中国医师血管超声认证考试 (Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation in China)

感谢关注中国医师血管超声认证考试(RPVI-China)! RPVI-China认证考试代表了目前中国血管超声诊断的最高标准。

获得 RPVI-China 认证能为您带来如下优势:

  • 行业认可的认证可为您增加就业机会
  • 全球认可的认证可让您获得雇主的赏识和同事的关注
  • 可表明您致力于通过持续学习来提高患者护理与安全​

English translation: 

​​​​​Thank you for your interest in the Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation in China (RPVI-China) credentialing examination! ​The RPVI-China credential documents the highest attainable standard in vascular ultrasound interpretation in China.​​

Benefits of earning the RPVI-China certification:

  • Increase career opportunities with an industry-recognized certification
  • Command the attention of employers and colleagues with a globally-recognized certification
  • Demonstrate your commitment to continual learning for improved patient care and safety

通过考试后,您将被授予中国血管超声认证注册医师 (RPVI-China) 认证证书 – 该证书代表目前血管超声认证方面的最高标准。该证书由医师认证和继续教育联盟 (APCA) 授予并管理。

为维护您的 APCA 认证有效性,您需要满足所有认证维护要求,例如每年缴纳证书更新费,达到继续医学教育 (CME) 学分要求,并且每五年进行一次重新测试。

维持 PVI-China 认证的年度续费为 25 美元。  您需要在 2024 年 12 月 31 日之前缴纳 2025 年度续费。  年度续费可通过 MY APCA 支付。

如果您未在 2024年 12 月 31 日之前支付 25 美元续费,则需要另外收取 50 美元的费用。  您共计需要在 2025 年 8 月 1 日之前支付 75 美元(25 美元续费费用 + 50 美元恢复资格费用)才能重新恢复有效会员身份。  支付可通过 MY APCA 完成。

如果您错过 2025 年 8 月 1 日的最终恢复资格截止期限,您必须重新参加考试并支付所有适用的费用才能重新恢复有效会员身份。


当您在线进行续费支付时,您将宣誓或保证,您遵守所有 APCA 规则和合规政策,并在 APCA 拥有良好声誉。

我宣誓,我是一名在中国积极执业的医生,目前持有资格完好的有效行医执照,且无任何行医条件或限制。  我进一步宣誓,我将:

a)  我将继续遵守APCA 合规政策 (;

b)   在我的 CME 结束时,累积所需的 APCA 认可的 CME 学时数;以及

c)   在我的行医执照或授权未来被限制、让渡或吊销的情况下,或在我受到任何纪律处分的情况下,在 60 天内及时通知 APCA*。


如欲获取更多信息,请发送电子邮件到 来联系我们的客服 团队。请以英文发送所有电子邮件请求。

English Translation

Inteleos no longer awards the RPVI-China credential, however those that hold the credential need to do the following to maintain the credential:

To maintain your APCA certification you will be required to meet all the maintenance of certification requirements, such as an annual renewal fee, attestation, and Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits.

The annual renewal fee for maintaining PVI-China Certification is $25 USD.  Your annual renewal fee for 2025 is due by December 31, 2024.  Annual renewal fees can be paid through MY APCA.

If you do not pay the $25 USD renewal fee by December 31, 2024, an additional fee of $50 USD will be assessed.  You will be required to submit payment of a total of $75 USD ($25 USD renewal fee + $50 reinstatement fee) by August 1, 2025, to regain Active Status.

If you miss the final Reinstatement deadline of August 1, 2025, you will forfeit your credential permanently.


During online payment of your renewal fee, you will attest, or certify, that you are in compliance with all APCA rules and compliance policies and are in good standing with the APCA.

I attest that I am an actively practicing in China as a physician and currently hold a valid medical license in good standing without any conditions or restrictions to practice medicine.  I further attest that I will:

  1. I continue to be compliant with the APCA Compliance Policies;
  2. Accrue the required number of APCA-accepted CME credit hours by the end of my CME period; and
  3. Notify APCA in a timely manner* not to exceed 60 days should my license or authority to practice medicine be restricted, relinquished or revoked in the future, or if I become the subject of any disciplinary action.

* If you have an unreported compliance violation, please contact

For additional information, please email our Customer Care team at  Please send al email requests in English.​